
Ah motivation…..the one thing that stops you from being superhuman.

If only you could hang onto it, you could walk around with the body of a Greek god or be as strong as an ox.

But you cant seem to keep it. One week you feel like you can do anything, you are in the gym 5 days, you feel great…..but next week its only 3 days and the following week it’s just 1 day.

What happened??

“Oh I lost my motivation.”

“I can’t stay motivated.”

“I will wait until I get my motivation back”

Here’s the thing. Motivation is fickle. It will come and go in the blink of an eye so don’t beat yourself up when its low.

To prove my point just watch this video



You see, I bet you feel like you could run through a brick wall now, but it will ware off eventually and there is only so many times it will work.

No one is motivated all the time.

The main difference between people who achieve their goals and those who don’t, is that the successful ones understand this.

They don’t wait for motivation, they create it by taking Action. Even on the days they don’t feel like it, they get to the gym, do a workout, and feel better afterwards.

You see this is how most people think motivation works:

Motivation = Action = Results

whereas this is how it usually works:

Action = Results = Motivation

Once you start seeing results, this is generally all the motivation you need to continue training and keep achieving results.

Note: be aware with a goal like fat loss you will need to stick to a training and nutrition plan for at least 4 weeks to see good results, so don’t expect it to happen over night.

If you have a goal you want to achieve don’t wait for the motivation, create your own by taking action and getting started today.


Keep an eye out for the next article which will be about how to set and achieve your goals or sign up to my newsletter at the bottom of the page to make sure you don’t miss anything.

Also feel free to have a look around the site and check out if some of the services I offer can help you.



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