How to set and achieve your goals.

Goal setting

Most of us have some goals, whether it is to lose weight, eat better, get stronger etc.
The problem with these goals is that they are too vague and therefore we never end up achieving them.
In this article, my aim is to show you how to set actionable goals for yourself which should lead you to more success in achieving them.

For this post I will pick a goal of fat loss but the same principles can be applied to any goal you may have.


S.M.A.R.T Goals

A well thought out goal is one that applies the SMART acronym.

S = specific
M = measurable
A = attainable
R = relatable
T = timely


Specific = I want to lose 6 kg.


Instead of saying I want to lose fat. Decide how much you want to lose and write it down. This makes it feel more real and gives you solid numbers to work with.



If you are not measuring, you are guessing and how will you know if you are making progress or not? Before you start take measurements, pictures and any other data you need and record it. Compare as you progress and make any adjustments needed.
I am now 96kg, waist= 40 inches, thighs= 10 inches etc, etc. I will take again in 2-4 weeks and compare.



Be realistic with your goal. Losing 6 kg is very attainable. Losing 6 kg in a week on the other hand is not. Also wanting to look like a cover model you saw is not advised. The model doesn’t even look like that in reality, so focus on YOU and not some airbrushed false image.



How are you going to lose 6 kg? By starting to exercise and following a nutrition plan not by taking up golf. Gear your actions towards achieving your goal.



For a fat loss goal, a target of .5kg a week works very well. So, you have 12 weeks to lose 6 kg and you now have a deadline to ensure you maintain progress.



Actionable goal

Now instead of the initial goal of wanting to lose fat, we have a more concrete goal with numbers and dates.

Ultimate goal = I want to lose 6 kg in 12 weeks.

To do this you need to start exercising and tracking your food intake. This still can seem daunting and leave you wondering where to start. We will break it down even further.

Monthly goal = I want to lose 2 kg in 4 weeks.

This month you need to get all 12 gym sessions and 4 cardio sessions done, plan and prepare your weekly meals every Sunday and you need to take measurements every 2 weeks and compare. Now break it into a weekly goal.

Weekly goal = I want to lose .5kg a week.

This week you have to do 3 gym sessions, go for a 5 km run, do a big shop for the week, prepare your food and bring lunch to work every day.

What can I do to today make sure I lose .5kg this week?

Daily goal = complete the following

1. Plan my meals and make sure I eat in a calorie deficit.
2. Get to the gym and do my workout.
3. Get 7-8 hours sleep tonight.
4. Drink 3 litres of water.

If you follow these daily steps you will be on target to achieve your ultimate goal of losing 6 kg in 12 weeks and now it doesn’t seem such a big task. All you have to worry about is completing 4 steps each day and the rest will take care of itself.


Use this principle the next time you set out to achieve a goal of your own.

Start with your ultimate goal, then break it down into monthly, weekly and then daily actions that will lead you to success.

If you have any questions or need any help please get in contact by any of the methods at the top of the page and I will try my best to help you out.


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