How to enjoy the holidays without gaining fat

Christmas is brilliant! Family, friends, feasts and parties. I love this time of year. Most people do, however, what they don’t love is the excess fat gained over a couple of weeks. Weight gain comes from excess calories. Now the obvious way to not gain weight is to eat healthily and limit alcohol. But its Christmas and people are going to be doing the exact opposite, so I have compiled this list to help you be smarter with your food and drink choices, and maintain your current physique without missing out on all the good stuff.


  1. Exercise daily

This can be as simple as getting out for a 30 minute walk. If you can, try to get a gym session or a run/cycle/swim in every second or third day. This will help burn off all the excess food and drink.


2. Choose lower calorie drinks

By swapping Heineken to Heineken light you save 50 calories a bottle. If you drink shorts, swap your mixer for soda water which has zero calories. These swaps will save you a lot of extra calories over the course of a night out.


3. Skip breakfast

If you have a big night planned where you will be eating and drinking a lot, skip breakfast that day, have a piece of fruit instead, have a small lunch and go enjoy your night out. You can skip breakfast every day over the holidays especially if you are sleeping in until late morning.


4. Compromise

Having dessert? Then skip the starter or have a smaller portion of dinner. Cut out the fizzy drinks for water. Fill halve your plate with vegetables and have a good portion of meat. On the days you are not going out, eat sensibly, then enjoy the parties without any guilt.


By using these tactics you can indulge on your nights out and maintain your weight. If you would like to learn more about how to lose fat while eating an inclusive diet,fill out the form below to arrange a free transformation session in January.






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