Beware of fad diets, you do not need them!!

I was planning on writing about a different topic today until I spoke to a guy who was planning on starting a shake diet.

I absolutely despise all these bullshit fad diets which are designed by companies to prey on people’s insecurities and lack of knowledge regarding proper nutrition.

They have a slick system of selling where you move up the ladder and earn more for peddling more of their shit products.

They train the sellers in what to say and post to lure people in.

They quote flawed studies which they have funded to produce the results they want and con people into forking out their hard-earned cash for something they don’t need.

They take quotes from industry experts and post them online pretending they are regarding their products.

They have no morals.


This particular one involved drinking 2 shakes a day and taking 6 capsules with “all the vitamins and minerals you need without having to eat fruit of vegetables”(independent studies actually show that these capsules offered no more benefit than an average multivitamin) and then one meal.

Are you as puzzled as me?

Give me a choice between a nice breakfast of fruit and yoghurt/an omelette with veg/ poached eggs on wholemeal bread/ porridge with berries (actual food) or 6 capsules and a shitty shake, I know which one I’m going to choose.

But I see why people buy it, they are vulnerable and these products offer an easy fix, albeit for 120 euro a month.

When in reality all you need to do is monitor how much you are eating and include more whole nutritious foods such as meat, fish, dairy, fruit and vegetables in your diet. Then spend the 120 euro on something you actually want or need.


I’m not saying you wont lose weight on these. If you follow it, you most certainly will because you are restricting your calories the same as every other diet known to man/woman.

What I am saying is you can still lose weight by actually eating real food, not being miserable and hungry all the time and lining these con artists pockets at the same time.

Also what do you think will happen when you stop the diet?

You have not learned anything about nutrition, which foods to eat, how much you should be eating for your goals, what macronutrients are, developed any healthy eating habits. The weight will pile back on and you will be back to the start.

Restriction leads to bingeing. On these diets you are restricted one of life’s great pleasures….food.


So to finish up here are a few things to remember regarding these diets/products

  1. if they sound too good to be true, they probably are.
  2. if they promise instant results they are lying.
  3. if it recommends you use in conjunction with exercise and healthy diet then you don’t need it.
  4. do some research online and look for peer-reviewed studies before purchasing anything.


Unfortunately there are no shortcuts or quick fixes to fat loss, a varied diet of whole nutritious foods and regular exercise are the best way to achieve lasting results.

Any questions or if you are not sure about some of these products just fill in the form below and I will get back to you asap.

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