Snow day home workout.

Woke up this morning to about 4 inches of snow outside and none of my clients able to get to the gym to train. Hopefully I wont starve in the coming days as I have not stocked up on 20 loafs of bread like half the country seems to have done. : ) Anyway just because you may be stuck at home, that doesn’t mean you still can’t get a good workout done.

All you need is some floor space and a timer.

Here is what you do:

Complete as many repetitions of the following 5 exercises as you can in the allotted time.

Pick the timescale based on your current level

Beginner = 20 seconds work / 40 seconds rest
Intermediate = 30 seconds work / 30 seconds rest
Advanced = 40 seconds work / 20 seconds rest

When you have completed all 5 exercises, that is one round done.

Complete 3-5 rounds in total.

Rest 2 minutes between rounds.


The exercises are as follows:


Sit back and down, keeping your knees travelling over your feet. Push back up through your feet to starting position.


Push ups 

Start in the plank position, keep your core braced and your body in a straight line. Lower your chest to the ground keeping your elbows at 45 degrees to your shoulder and push back up to starting position. You can perform these on your knees if too difficult.


Russian twist

Start sitting on the ground. lean back slightly and slowly rotate from side to side ensuring you are twisting in the trunk(abs) and not just the shoulders. To increase difficulty lift legs slightly off the ground.


Reverse lunges(alternating legs)

Start in the standing position, take a step backwards and lower your knee to just above the ground. Return to starting position and switch to opposite leg.


Mountain climber

Start in the plank position, bring your knee up towards your chest and back down alternating legs each one.


If you have any questions just fire away below.

Enjoy the snow day!




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