Healthy breakfast ideas/recipes

They say breakfast I the most important meal of the day. While that is not really true, I do find a good healthy breakfast can help keep you full right up until lunch time, give you lots of energy and stop you snacking on rubbish throughout the day. That being said I find a lot of clients struggle for ideas beyond sugar filled cereals or toast. So I have compiled this list of breakfast ideas along with ingredients and cooking methods to help you start your day with a tasty, filling and nutrient dense meal.


Egg muffins

These are great if you are in a hurry. You can make a batch of 12 and store them in the fridge for 3-4 days. You will need a muffin tin or moulds.

Ingredients (makes 12)

9 eggs

bacon lardons 150 gram

cherry tomatoes 150 gram

cheddar cheese 30 grams


note: you can add any other ingredients you like


-heat pan and fry bacon

-Mix eggs in large bowl

-chop tomatoes and cheese into small cubes

-Grease tin with small amount of butter to prevent sticking

-divide bacon, tomatoes’ and cheese evenly into the 12 individual moulds

-spoon eggs over until full

-place into oven at 180 degrees until golden brown or fully cooked (around 20 mins)

-allow to cool and run around top edge with knife to allow for easy removal from tray

-store in fridge for up to 4 days heat for 2 minutes in microwave before eating  or can be eaten cold either.

Per muffin:

Calories= 90
Protein= 8 grams
Carbohydrates= 1 grams
Fats= 6 grams


Poached eggs, avocado and wholemeal bread


3 eggs

1/4 avocado

1 slice wholemeal bread


-mash avocado and spread on bread.

-Bring water to simmer and crack eggs in to poach.

-remove when cooked to liking and serve.


Calories= 361
Protein= 24 grams
Carbohydrates= 18 grams
Fats= 20 grams



Protein pancakes


1 egg

20 grams oats

1/2 banana

1/2 scoop chocolate/vanilla protein powder

1 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 cup raspberries

1/2 cup blueberries

50 grams greek yoghurt

1 teaspoon coconut oil


-Blitz oats in blender until powder

-mix egg, banana, protein powder, baking soda and oats together until batter is formed

-heat oil in pan on medium to low heat

-pour in batter in desired amounts and flip when bubbles begin to appear on top.

-cook on other for further 2 minutes or until browned.

-stack on plate

-heat berries in pan, then mash into compote and pour over.

-place yoghurt on top and enjoy.

Calories= 301
Protein= 26 grams
Carbohydrates= 29 grams
Fats=9 grams





3 eggs

30 grams cheese

6 cherry tomatoes

50 grams chicken breast

10 leaves spinach

1 teaspoon oil.


-chop ingredients

-crack the eggs into a bowl and mix well.

-mix ingredients into eggs

-heat oil in pan on medium heat

-pour mixture into pan until cooked through

Note: you can use any meat, veg you have leftover or in the fridge.


Calories= 418
Protein= 41 grams
Carbohydrates= 7 grams
Fats= 26 grams



Protein oats


40 grams rolled oats

150 ml milk

1 scoop protein powder (any flavour)

1/2 cup raspberries

1/2 cup blueberries


-Mix oats, milk and a pinch of salt in a bowl.

-microwave for 2 minute

-remove and leave to cool for a further 2 minutes

-stir in protein powder until well mixed

-add berries as topping


Calories= 341
Protein= 31 grams
Carbohydrates= 39 grams
Fats= 6 grams


Now you have 5 easy to make, healthy breakfasts to keep you going right up to lunch time.

Any questions just leave a message below and I will get back to you.




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