How to increase your energy

Nobody likes to feel tired all the time. We all have different ways of trying to boost our energy but some of these may be adding to the problem rather than helping such as reaching for a sugar hit, knocking back the coffee or crashing on the couch as soon as you get home in the evening. Below are some simple tried and tested ways to increase your energy levels:



When you exercise your body releases hormones called endorphins which boost your mood and energy levels. Through exercise you will improve your cardiovascular health, you will become fitter, you can lose excess body fat, increase lean muscle mass and improve your endurance which all lead to increased energy levels.


2. Improve your nutrition

Some people like to eat sugar filled snacks to get a quick burst of energy but after the high comes the inevitable low and you end up feeling just as tired as before. Instead try to eat a balanced diet consisting of nutrient rich vegetables, fruit, healthy fats, slow digesting carbohydrates and high quality protein. Also avoid highly processed foods.


3. Stay hydrated

Being dehydrated can leave you feeling tired and sluggish. Aim to get 2-3 litres of water a day. keep a bottle with you during the day and you will manage it no problem. If you don’t like water add some sugar-free flavouring to help.


4. Improve your sleep

Quality is often better than quantity when it comes to sleep, in saying that I would still recommend getting as close to 8 hours a night as possible. A few tips to improve sleep quality include:

  • avoid caffeine after 2pm
  • avoid screen time(laptops, phones) 1-2 hours before bed
  • create a sleep schedule = go to bed and get up at roughly the same time every day
  • start to relax before going to bed (have a bath, read a book, meditate) & avoid stimulating tv shows etc
  • write down anything that’s on your mind and try not to think about it after that.
  • avoid drinking alcohol
  • avoid eating too close to going to bed


If you implement these 4 tips then you should definitely notice an improvement in your energy.

For more information or help getting started fill out the form below and I will be in touch.



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