Why mindset matters

What mindset you have when setting out to achieve a goal will often play a massive part in how successful you are. When things get tough and they almost certainly will, having a positive mindset is what will get you through. Negative self talk and self sabotage can be crippling to any endeavour. You might say that’s all well and good but how do I get into a positive mindset? Below are some tips that I have personally used and helped clients implement to gain a more positive outlook.

Note: these are not an overnight fix and will need to be something you work on daily

1. Recognise negative thoughts

The first step is to identify negative thoughts and when you do, make an effort to be more positive. If you are always telling yourself negative things then you will start to believe them. If you find yourself thinking “I cant do this”, ” I always fail” etc stop yourself and say something like, I can do this, there is no reason I cant, I am no different to anyone who has done this before, I just need to stick at it.


2. Realise you will mess up

We are all human and everyone will make mistakes. Before you set out to achieve a goal acknowledge that there will be days when you will not follow the plan, whether it be missing a training session or eating too much. That’s fine these things happen and if you already allowed that you would make mistakes then its no big deal, you just start again the next day or the next meal.


3. Gain some perspective

Perspective can be a great way to snap yourself out of negative thoughts. Pick 3 things you are grateful for and be thankful to have them. Then refocus on your goal and get to work.


4. Celebrate the small wins

Be aware that most goals worth doing especially fat loss wont happen overnight. It is a ongoing process of doing the right things consistently over time. So allow yourself some praise for doing the small things that will get you to your goal, like going to every training session last week, getting stronger at a particular exercise, losing another inch from your waist or preparing your lunch everyday for work.


By making an effort to implement these over time you can train yourself to have a more positive mindset which will in turn make achieving you goals easier.


If you have any questions or would like some help please fill out the form below and I will be in touch soon.


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