Why restictive diet’s don’t work long-term

Have you lost weight before, only to put it all back on plus an extra few kGs?

Let me guess how it went:

– Heard about this great diet from a friend/online/magazine etc

– You decide to give it a go (even though it’s completely different to how you normally eat, but it’s worked for them so why not I guess)

-Week 1 is great, you stick to the plan religiously.

-Week 2 is good but starting to find it a little tough

-Week 3 or 4

the wheels come off

-Then you feel guilty, blame yourself, give up, start comfort eating and end up gaining weight.

Sound familiar?

Lots of people get caught in this cycle, jumping from the latest diet trend to the next never getting any lasting results because these diets are too restrictive to maintain for the long-term.


So how do you get the results you want then?

The majority of my most successful clients have made just a few simple changes, done them consistently over time until they have become habit.

These changes will differ from person to person and you will need to find what your own problem areas are, but some examples include:

-Eating smaller portions

-Stop snacking between meals when not hungry

-Eating slowly and without distractions

-keeping track of their food intake in a food journal

-Only eating out once per week

-Cutting back on alcohol

This approach will lead to results that you can maintain and break the cycle of repeated weight loss/gain.

Most people think “that’s to easy, it wont work” and are drawn in by the shiny new diet, but believe me this approach will work and more importantly, will work in the long-term.

Here is just one example of how it has


If you have any questions or need any help to achieve your goals please fill in the form below and I will be in touch soon.







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