How to guarantee success

It’s the time of year when a lot of people set out to lose weight, get fitter, improve their health and so on. This is great and well done if you are one of these people.

If it is you, then start by asking yourself these questions below to determine if you are set up to succeed.

  1. Do I have a clear understanding of my goal?
  2. Do I have a clear plan of how to achieve this goal?
  3. Was it designed specifically for me and my goal?
  4. Do I have a definite timeline to have completed my goal?
  5. Do I know how to track my progress?
  6. Do I know what to do if my progress stalls?
  7. Do I know how to use the correct technique when lifting weights?
  8. Am I sure?
  9. Do I know how to track and progress my workouts?
  10. Do I have a nutrition plan?
  11. Was it designed specifically for me?
  12. Do I have someone I can ask for help when I need it?
  13. Are they qualified to give me help?

If you answered mostly YES to all these questions then you have all the ingredients necessary to succeed, just work hard and stick to the plan.

If you answered mostly NO then you are not very likely to reach your goal. The best thing you could do is get some help, it will save you putting in a lot of time for little to no results.

If you are in the no group, then fill out the form below to organise a free consultation with myself and get help in the areas you need it.

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