You are only one training session or one meal away from getting back on track.

I heard on the radio the other day that January 11th is the day most people give up on their new years resolutions and judging by the noticeable decline in numbers in the gym over the last few days I’m guessing this is somewhat true.

If you have given up or maybe you fell off the wagon over the weekend and feel like you have failed, then remember the only way you can fail is if you stop and never go back.

If you go back to the gym today or get back eating healthy for your next meal you are back on track. Its that simple!

The next thing to do is ask yourself why you had this slip up? Is your nutrition and training plan to extreme? My guess is yes if you already feel like quitting.

You DO NOT need to implement a military style fitness and nutrition regime to get results.

You CAN get results by making small manageable changes over time. This approach is more likely to work as its easier to adhere to and not as restrictive therefore making it sustainable long term. Its an approach I use with all my clients.

Some examples of how you might start could be bringing a packed lunch to work 2 days a week instead of buying it, cutting out biscuits after your dinner every second night or going for a 30 minute walk every evening.

All these small changes add up over time and before you know it you are living a healthier life and have made tonnes of progress.

Think of your journey as a marathon and not a sprint.

Another reason you may have slipped up could be a lack of accountability. If you find you are unable to hold yourself accountable then it can help if you find someone who will.

One way to do this is to find a training partner and you can both hold one another accountable.

Another way is to hire a Trainer and book a weekly/monthly session to check how you are progressing. A big advantage of this is you are getting a plan to follow as well.

I will repeat this to emphasise its importance

you are only one training session or one meal away from getting back on track.

If you need help fill out your information below.



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