Can certain foods help fat loss?

Can eating certain foods cause fat loss? This is a question I was asked the other day. If only it was that easy, eat this and you will lose fat.

Unfortunately that’s not how it works and the only way to lose fat is to maintain an calorie deficit over a period of time. However, in saying that, there are certain foods that can help you stay in a calorie deficit and therefore help you to lose fat.

Some examples would be foods that are high in protein and high in fibre. High protein foods will help maintain lean muscle mass as protein is the building block for muscle, so therefore having enough in your diet is essential to maintaining muscle when trying to lose fat.

The body also takes longer to break down protein as it digests so will keep you feeling full for longer, eliminating the urge to snack between meals.

Some examples of high Protein foods include lean meat, fish, eggs, greek yoghurt, cottage cheese, lentils, beans, chickpeas.

It is recommended to consume between 1.8-2.2 grams of protein per kg of bodyweight per day for a person who is weight training.

High fibre foods include vegetables, fruit, legumes and grains.

Although there are lots of different kinds of fiber, which work in different ways, most of them will act to slow down the digestive process.

Consider soluble fibre, which you’ll find in beans, apples, and oats. The fibre is fermented in the gut, a process that directly triggers the sensation of fullness. Research shows that, on average, each 14 grams of fibre consumed reduces your total intake of food by 10%.

It is recommended to consume around 20-30 grams of fibre per day for an adult with no medical conditions.

Here are some examples of meals that will include both protein and fibre:

Poached eggs on wholemeal toast.

Porridge with berries.

Grilled chicken breast with selection of roasted vegetables.

Greek yoghurt with fruit.

Smoked salmon on wholemeal bread.

To sum up, eating a diet that is high in lean protein and contains lots of vegetables and fruit will help you to lose fat, maintain muscle and not feel hungry in the process.

If you found this useful then try reading this post on developing healthy eating habits which is also great for fat loss

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