3 actions you can do today to start your fat loss goal

Sometimes knowing where to start can be the hardest part. There is so much information out there that it can be impossible to know what you need to do to reach your goal. I like to keep things as simple as possible for my clients by breaking down their goals into actionable steps. Once you complete each step every day, you will reach your goal. Consistency and patience are all you need.

So here are 3 actions you can start doing today, that will help you to start losing fat.

1. keep a food diary

In my experience people under estimate the amount they eat and drink by quite a large amount. Starting today write down everything you eat and drink for a week, I bet it is more than you thought you were consuming. Another advantage to doing this is that it makes you think a bit more about how much you are consuming and in most cases causes people to eat less.

2. Do a little exercise

Obvious I know, but you still have to do it. The mistake a lot of people make is thinking they have to go all in from the start (hint = you don’t). If a 10 minute walk is all you are able for right now then that’s fine. Don’t say “a 10 minute walk is not enough, so I wont do anything at all”. Do the 10 minute walk and do it every day. Then next week up it to a 20 minute walk if you can, and before you know it you will be noticing the improvement. This same principle applies to the gym and weight training. Remember even the fittest guy in the gym was a beginner at one stage.

3. Get some accountability

Being held accountable for our actions is a great way to reach our goals. Its very easy to make excuses to ourselves but a lot harder to do it to someone else. Pick someone you trust or with knowledge and experience to hold you accountable to reaching your goal. This can be a friend or partner who will go exercising with you or a trainer (hi) who can help steer you in the right direction and make sure you progress as you should.

There you have it, 3 simple steps that are easy to implement today. Do them consistently and have a little patience and you will see results.

Need some help implementing these then leave your details below and ill be in touch.

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