Why you don’t need the best.

If you have ever found yourself looking for the best training program, best diet or told yourself now is not the best time to start, you are just like the majority of people out their. I used to do the same thing myself until I was given a valuable piece of advice.

We all want the best, thinking that it will work some kind of magic for us. Here is the thing, there is no best training program, no best diet, there will never be a best time to start. Looking for the best is an excuse we use to justify not taking action or not finishing what we started. The “best” thing we can do is, decide on a plan and trust the process until completed. This is how we get results.


You don’t need the best training program ever written, you just need to stick with one long enough for it to work. Instead of looking for the best program and switching from one to another before seeing the benefits, get one designed that is best suited to you (created for your goals, considers your injury history, training experience, ability, age and so on), that you enjoy doing and will stick at until you reach your goals.


As I said before there is no one best diet. The best way of eating for you is the one you can enjoy, can keep up long term and allows you to reach your goals without being miserable. In my experience simply learning how to manage your food intake can allow you to achieve this relatively easily.


There will never be a best time to start. If it is something you really want to do, just start anyway and make time for it. How often do we say “I don’t have time for that” but end up spending hours staring at our phones every day. Put your training in your diary as an appointment and treat it as such. Try to keep the same times and make it a habit. If something comes up that will interfere with your training then you have a decision to make, “is it more important than reaching my goal?”.

The main takeaway from this post is that you don’t need the best one, most training programs will work, most diets will work (I don’t like diets, I prefer to focus on developing healthy eating habits instead), all you have to do is take action by starting and then have the discipline to stick with them long enough to see results.

If you need help starting or have any questions please fill in below.



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