How long until you start seeing results?

“How long until I start seeing results?”. A new client will almost always ask some variation of this question. Unfortunately, there is no straight forward anwer as everybody will progress at different speeds depending on a host of different factors, such as training experience, age, injuries, number of training sessions per week and so on.

However, in my experience training clients, after 1-2 weeks, roughly 90% of them will report to be experiencing one or more of the following:

  • having more energy,
  • feeling better,
  • sleeping better,
  • better concentration levels/ more productive,
  • less stressed.

Now I know these are not really “measurable” results and most often they are not the initial goal of clients/you but they are a massive benefit to training/ eating well and will help you to achieve more and stay on track.

For more physical results we would aim for roughly .5kg per week of fat loss, 0.15kg per week of muscle gain, some will do more, some less. For example, complete beginners can sometimes lose quite large amounts in the first couple of weeks but then slow down to a more steady pace.

Another way you will see results is by strength gain and this is one of the fastest things to happen. If you follow a good program correctly you should be increasing the amount you lift each session by a rep or two or by .25 or more kg depending on the exercise. This may not seem like a lot, but when you look back on 4 weeks of training you can see big improvement in a relatively short period of time.

Generally, what I tell people is if you start today, this time next week you will have made progress and be better off than you are now. Try not to focus too much on the results and focus more on following the steps each day that will get you the results, such as improving your sleep, eating healthier, eating mindfully and training correctly

If you need help with any of the above then get in touch below.

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