5 things to know before starting to train

With the new year just around the corner a lot of you may be considering starting to train and that’s great, it is one of the best things you can do for your future self.

However, there are some things you should know before you start so I have compiled this guide to help you:

There is more than one way

There are lots of different training methods and approaches that will all get you results.

You do not need to squat, deadlift or any other exercise if its not right for you.

Your training should be designed around how you move and started at the level you are currently at.

Find an appoach you enjoy and that works for you for best results.

Nutrition is key to fat loss

If your goal is to lose fat then you need to have a nutrtion plan as well as a training plan.

No matter how much you train, if you dont maintain a calorie deficit you will not lose fat.

Like training there are many different approaches to nutrition and your goal should be to find what works best for you for sustainable results.

2-3 hours a week is enough

You don’t have to train every day, you can if you want, but you don’t need to.

Most of you lead busy lives with a lot going on between family and work and will struggle for time to train.

All you need is 2-3 hours a week of the correct training and you will progress. I have many clients that will confirm this. You can see them here.

The key is to be consistent. If you can train 2-3 hours a week for 12 months you will get better results than someone who trains 5-7 times a week for one month, then does nothing for another and repeats the cycle.

It will work for you

It will work for you, it has worked for someone just like you.

As much as we like to think we are unique, I can guaruntee there is someone with very similar circumstances to you who has done what you want to do.

Believe in yourself and the process and it will work.

Do your research

I can’t recommend hiring a trainer enough (obviously I would say that šŸ™‚ ), It is a great investment especially if you are new to training as the skills you will learn can be used for the rest of your life.

However, I would suggest doing your research and making sure the trainer you hire is qualified, competent, professional, is insured in case of an accident, has proof of helping lots of clients and is right for you.

Making someone tired and sore does not mean they are a good trainer, they should have a clear plan to get you to your goal, be able to teach you to exercise correctly and keep you safe at all times and much more.

Research before investing is a smart thing to do.

I hope these help you when you start training in the new year. Any quastions just ask below.


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