5 tips to enjoy the holidays without gaining weight

A recent study published showed that the average Irish adult will gain half a stone over the Christmas period. While we all like to enjoy ourselves during the festive season, no one wants to be starting the new year off with an extra half stone. So in this post I will be giving you my top tips on how to enjoy Christmas without piling on the pounds. 

1. Exercise 

This may seem obvious, but a lot of people stop exercising completely over the holidays. By doing so, and combined with consuming a lot more calories than you normally do is what leads to weight gain. Try to get a moderate to high intensity training session in every 2-3 days and/or go for a brisk walk/ light jog every day. Some other ideas for getting some exercise include: playing a game of soccer with your mates, a hike or hill walk or playing a round of golf.

2. Plan

On the days you are heading out and know you will be indulging, plan to have lower calorie meals during the day before you do. For example have some fruit and yoghurt for breakfast or if you sleep in, skip breakfast altogether. Then have a lunch that mainly consists of vegetables and some protein like grilled chicken breast with spices and roasted vegetables or a chicken and vegetable stir fry. These meals will leave you satisfied and can be light in calories.

3. Compromise

Making a few simple swaps when you are out can also help save some calories. For example using soda water instead of fizzy drinks as a mixer with your alcoholic drinks or choosing a light beer instead of the normal beer. If out for a meal, have either a starter OR dessert instead of both and skip the complimentary bread.

4. Stay hydrated 

Thirst can be often mistaken for hunger so if you feel yourself hungry, drink a pint of water and wait 10 minutes. Also alcohol will dehydrate you so if you have had a few drinks, then drink plenty of water the day after. A good rule to follow is to try drink 2-3 litres every day. Do this and you should be well hydrated.

5. Enjoy

Life is to be lived and Christmas is a time to enjoy yourself. If you find you get anxious, worry about eating out, gaining weight or being unable to control your eating, these can be signs of an unhealthy relationship with food. If this sounds like you and you would like some help to build a healthy attitude towards food as well as developing healthy eating habits that don’t allow you to over indulge and gain weight then leave your details below to arrange a free consultation in the new year.

Have a happy Christmas 


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