The only training approach you need this year.

Its great to see so many new faces around the gym this time of year.

I love seeing people trying to improve their health and fitness.

Unfortunately, usually after a few weeks a lot of the new faces vanish and are not seen in a gym again until next January.

There are a couple of reasons for this in my opinion.

One is not having a specific goal/plan/program.

This leads to confusion, frustration and poor results.

Another is people have a lot of motivation this time of year and with all the best intentions they do way too much for someone who is only starting to train, end up in bits and barely able to get out of the bed.

When the motivation inevitably starts to disappear, so do they.

Instead of jumping headfirst into an all or nothing approach and just going to the gym everyday with no plan, set yourself a concrete goal and a realistic target of training 2-3 times a week and aim to be as consistent as possible.

You training does not need to be and should not be complicated.

The approach that without fail has got the best results for my clients is the 2-3 x 52.

2-3 sessions a week by 52 weeks of the year.

A 30-50 year old guy who want to lose fat, get strong and build muscle has a busy job, family and shit loads of other stuff going on does not need to train 5-6 times a week.

Or does not need to train as a bodybuilder, spending a whole session training just arms/ shoulders/ chest etc.

The most effective, time efficient training you can do is 2-3 full body weights sessions a week, in and out in a hour and still get great results.

You just need to apply a few basic training principles such as progressive overload, specifity, proper recovery and so on to ensure you will get great results.

Reasons why it works so well:

  • 2-3 full body sessions a week can get you really strong and build solid muscle.
  • 2-3 sessions a week is manageable, even for someone who is very busy.
  • Its sustainable, which is crucial for long term results.
  • Being consistent over a long period of time will always get you a better result.

If you are starting to train follow these steps for a solid approach that will lead you to where you want to be:

Have a plan.

Think long term.

Aim for 2-3 sessions a week.

Be as consistant as possible.

Track your progress and adjust as necessary.

Enjoy the journey!

Any questions just ask below.


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