How to stop ruining your progress on the weekends

A big reason a lot of guys fail to make the progress they want when it comes to fat loss is the weekends?

Most guys do fine Monday to Friday afternoon, they have their routine, bring lunch to work, cook at home and exercise regularly.

But, once Friday afternoon comes it can be takeaways, eating out, beers and no exercise.

The odd night out, takeaway or meal out won’t ruin anyones progress but if you are consistently having “cheat days” and so on, it can stop your progress.

Here’s a couple of tips to break this cycle if this sounds like you:

1.Anticipate obstacles

Look for the areas that you feel are causing you to go off track.

Some examples might be:

a) you are tired on a friday evening,

b) you have to go to a party saturday night,

c) you make bad food choices the day after a night out,

d) you snack of sweets/ biscuits/ chocolate etc when you are sitting around the house.

e) you spend hours binge watching tv.

2. Have a plan to overcome them

Now you know what your obstacles are create a plan to overcome them and keep your progress on track.

a) Being tired on a friday you ususally order a takeaway, Instead cook enough dinner on Thursday evening to have Friday as well.

b) Before you go to the party make sure you have a dinner high in protein and vegetables, this will keep you full and stop you snacking. Then instead of having a load of pints( 1 pint heineken = 227 calories), choose lower calorie drinks such as bottle of corona light = 99 calories. Also make a plan to do something active for sunday, this will hopefully entice you to drink less.

c) Have healthy food options in the fridge or have some meals prepped for sunday. You can find some easy to make healthy and tasty options online to suit every taste.

d) Clear out the food you cant stop snacking on before the weekeend comes. Have one or two there to have but eliminate the temptation of having a full pack in the press.

e) Once you start to watch a show, set an alarm for a couple of hours later, when it goes off do something active, like go for a walk.

These are just some examples of how you may be going off track on the weekends.

You can use the same principle for any obstacles you feel you may have.

If you need help to identify or overcome any of your own just ask below.


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