How to perform rows correctly.

The row is one of the most commonly butchered movements in any gym. 

Poorly executed rows are a big factor in a lot of shoulder injuries so its important you do them correctly. 

A weak back means your weak everywhere as it plays a big role in most of your other lifts as well. Strong back = healthy shoulders and strong man.  

How to fix your row technique  

Make sure you are doing rows correctly by following the tips and avoiding the usual mistakes shown below. 

First up is a horizontal row.

It is a back exercise so you should use your back. Your biceps are a synergist which means they help in the row movement but are not the main muscle worked. 

1) Use your back not your arms to initiate the movement. 

2)Keep your chest tall 

3) Do not let arms go too far past the body and your shoulder dump forward. 

4) Squeeze your shoulder blades together to create maximum tension in the back.


Next is the vertical row.

As with the horizontal row this is a back exercise so you should use your back. Your biceps are a synergist which means they help in the row movement but are not the main muscle worked. 

1) Use your back not your arms to initiate the movement.

2)Keep your chest tall 

3) Drive elbows down and do not let your shoulder dump forward. 

4) Squeeze and hold your back muscles to create maximum tension.

Follow these steps to start performing rows better. 

Once you do you will notice a big difference in how you feel your back working in rows and unlock the true strength you have in them. 

Any questions just ask away.

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