5 benefits to weight training as you age

If you want to maintain a good quality of life as you age then some form of weight training a couple of times a week is essential, especiall if you dont have a physically active job.

What do I mean by good quality of life?

Being able to do things like:

-Walking up a flight of stairs without being out of breath

-Having the energy to play with your grankids.

-Being strong and mobile enough to play a round of golf.-Carrying the shopping with ease.

-Being able to get off the toilet by yourself.

How does weight training help you do these?

1. Strengthens bones

As we age we are more likely to get degenerative diseases like arthritis and osteoporosis which increase the risk of fractures and breaks if you fall. Weight training will help by increasing bone density , keeping joints lubricated and muscles around the joints strong.

2. Reduces muscle loss

After the age of 30, if you are physically inactive you can lose 3-5% of your muscle mass every 10 years. By the time you are 70 you can be weak and frail which can increase the risk of falling. This is a condition called sarcopenia. Weight training can reduce/ stop this by building and maintaining muscle mass.

3. Increases mobility

Lack of movement can reduce range of motion and mobility of your joints. Weight training can help keep and increase mobility.

4. Improves heart health

Heart disease is a leading cause of death in men. Weight training can reduce your risk greatly. One study showed that just 150 minutes of exercise a week can reduce your risk by up to 14%.

5. Slows cognitive decline

A study by the university of British Columbia showed that weight training improved memory and staved off the effects of dementia.

Weight training just 2 times a week will massively improve your quality of life as you age.

Its never too late to start.

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