How to make easy swaps for fat loss.

I want to show you how having a basic understanding of calories and how they work can help you control your body fat levels. 

I was going through a clients food diary yesterday and from making some easy swaps and changing some of the portion sizes was able to lower the total amount of calories by 1000, increase the protein by 32 grams and fibre by 15 grams, both of which will help him to remain feeling full while eating less calories. 

As you will see below this is not a case of you cant eat that burger, heres some brocolli instead. 

Instead it involves making smarter choices that support your goals like having this brand of yoghurt instead of that one or having a bigger portion of this and smaller portion of that. 

This approach is very sustainable and leads to lasting results, because you can still eat the food you like. 

Heres the diary without and then with the changes  

original breakfast = calories 691, carbs 103, fats 21, protein 21, fibre 5. 

3 weetabix, 1 banana, 250 ml whole fat milk, 150g strawberry and cream yoghurt supervalu  

suggested changes 

1 less weetabix, use low fat milk, swap yoghurt to this one (same size, 110 less cals % 15g more protein)  

after changes breakfast = calories 455, carbs 74, fats 5, protein 31, fibre 4. 

2 weetabix, 1 banana, 250 ml low fat milk, 150g lindhls kvarg yoghurt   

Original Mid morning meal = calories 538, carbs 38, fats 28, protein 31, fibre 2. 

2 slices white bread, 4 eggs scrambled  

Suggested changes  

swap wholemeal bread for white(no difference in calories, but higher fibre), Have only 2 whole eggs and 2 egg whites.  

After changes Mid morning meal = calories 392, carbs 33, fats 15, protein 27, fibre 6. 

2 slices wholemeal bread, 2 whole eggs & 2 egg whites scrambled.  

Original lunch = calories 809, carbs 76, fats 41, protein 31, fibre 5. 

aldi black angus burger, aldi brioche burger bun, macain potato wedges 2 of suggested portions, 1 slice cheese, 1 tbsp mayo, 1tsbp ketchup 

Suggested changes   swap brioche bun to slimsters,half the portion of wedges, use light mayo, add bowl of side salad.  

After changes lunch = calories 581, carbs 54, fats 26, protein 32, fibre 8. 

aldi black angus burger, slimster burger bun, macain potato wedges 1 of suggested portions, 1 slice cheese, 1 tbsp light mayo, 1tsbp ketchup, spinach & rocket salad 1 bowl, cherry tomatoes  

Original dinner = calories 703, carbs 92, fats 13, protein 64, fibre 4. 

penne pasta 2 cups, 1 chicken breast, carbonara sauce dolmio 150g pack  

Suggested changes   swap in wholewheat pasta( same cals , more fibre) and half portion to 1 cup, add vegetables 1 cup, add .5-1 chicken breast, use tinned tomatoes to make own sauce.  

After changes dinner = calories 570, carbs 60, fats 5, protein 90, fibre 10. 

whole wheat penne pasta 1 cup, 2 chicken breast, 150g homemade tomato sauce, brocolli, carrots,peppers ,mushroom 1 cup  

Original snack= cals 358, carbs 65, fats 10, protein 2, fibre1.

mars bar, 2 tsp sugar in tea x 3   

Suggested changes Use sweetener instead of sugar, have a mini bar, add some fruit.  

After changes snack = cals 115, carbs 21, fats 3, protein 1, fibre 3.

mini mars bar, 20 blueberries, 20 raspberries, sweetener.   

Based on his info (age, activity level etc) this client had a reccomended daily intake of roughly 2500 calories to maintain his weight. 

This was his Original day = cals 3098, carbs 375, fats 114, protein 150, fibre17.

This would put him in a surplus = gain weight is done so consistently 

And this was his after changes day = cals 2113, carbs 243, fats 54, protein 182, fibre32. 

This would put him in a deficit = lose weight if maintained consistently.  

As you can see from the changes, he doesnt have to deprive himself of anything to lose weight, he still ate basically the same meals with the changes as before them.  

This is how having a basic understanding of calories and macronutrients can help you. 

Hope this helps you see that losing weight doesnt have to be all brocolli, rice and boiled chicken and it can fit into your lifestyle quite eassily if you know how to do it. 

For any questions just ask below. 

PS I am looking for 2 new clients to join my online coaching program. 

If you like the sound of finally getting rid of belly fat like the client above and are committed to the process then just fill in the form with the word “interested” and I’ll be in touch soon with more details.

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