Is this the reason you were unsuccessful?

Unfortunately, a lot of people are unsuccessful when it comes to making and sustaining progress with their fitness and nutrition.

This can be due to a number of reasons but one I see a lot is this:

They start at a level that is too advanced compared to where they currently are.

I’m sure you can relate if you have ever got pissed off with how you look or with feeling crap all the time and decided to make a change?

Then said “on monday I’m……not eating anymore unhealthy foods, going to train 7 days a week, starting this exercise program I downloaded from this bodybuilder, cutting out all carbs” etc etc.

You might stick at it for a while but eventually you end up giving up because it is not sustainable.

You think you have failed and this leads to frustration and feeling bad about yourself.

When really the only thing you have done wrong is that you tried to do too much too quickly.

This usually happens because people think you need to be perfect to get results.

YOU DON’T, you just need to be a little bit better.

And then keep getting a little bit better, week by week until you reach where you want to be.

For example if you are currently not doing any exercise, then aim to do 1-2 30 minute sessions the first week, then increase it to 45 minute sessions the following week, add in a third session the following week and so on.

This is progress.

If you want to lose weight, Look at what you are currently eating then pick one meal a day to try to improve. (Do this by adding some fruit or veg or swapping in some lean protein instead of processed meat etc) After a week or 2 add a second meal to try to improve and so on.

This is progress. It will get you results and make it easier to maintain them.

Aim for progress, not perfection.

If you have any questions, please ask below.

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